JOHN 3:16
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only and begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


So today my friend KAT and i started our day with an early morning devotion at boardwalk, while the rays of the beautiful sun strike our skin we talked about the scripture  zephaniah 2:3 which says:
Seek the Lord, all who are humble, and follow his commands
Seek to do what is right, and to live humbly.
So with this scripture we stumbled upon a lot of thoughts. But more on thoughts about spiritual weakness. For many times , my relationship with God has gone up and gone down, went hot and went cold, and frustration about my weak times comes into me everytime like, “i dont want to be weak God, i dont want to hurt you, i want you but im stuck in my weakness and sin”. I always thought that my point of weakness hurts God, but then this morning kat and i talked about that, the question is ” How does God feel , or what does He think about when we are weak”? And of course i understand that relationships have its hard times, but i feel like “God i dont want to have so many hard times and rocky roads, is my weakness with a purpose ? or is it the work of the enemy? or what have i done wrong? what should i do?”
And perhaps that verse in Zephaniah doesn’t really talk about weakness but then that verse was the one that spoke to me. I figured out that our goal as children of God is to seek him and follow him and seeking Him shall keep us strong in faith and in love. And that thought led us to another question ” how do you seek God?
As Christians we have ” set ” ways to seek God, like through praying, devotion, and worship. And all these are good, yet all these would be in vain if we do not acknowledge the holy spirit before we pray , and worship, because the Holy spirit would be the one that would guide us while we are here on earth and if we do not invite the holy spirit or if we’re not familiar with its presence we might be missing out on what true prayer, devotion and worship is. And most of all these things must come out from a heart that is sincere, a heart that is hungry, a heart that longs for God.
Did you know that amongst all the prophets and great men in the bible King David was the only one that was called ” a man after God’s own heart ” ? Isn’t beautiful to be called a man after His heart? Hmm, i think i want that too. But see here if you read the bible, David committed adultery and did a lot of wrong things, but then again HE IS THE MAN AFTER GOD’S OWN HEART. Wouldn’t it be more  appropriate if it would be someone else, because David has been sinful. But then again NO. If you read psalms you’ll see that David has been honest and very transparent towards GOD, he brought Him all his cares, sins , impurities and praises, he surrendered all his life in worship and adoration to GOD, HE SOUGHT GOD. He was called a man after God’s heart because he lived a life dedicated to worship and praise GOD.
David is a perfect example for us all, He spent quiet times with God, He trusted God , He loved God, and HE was Loved, Protected and Lifted because he sought God. Although he sinned, like most of us, He brought His sins to GOD, He humbled Himself and Followed GOD. 
We must always remember David, and Zephaniah 2:3. We must strive to be after God, worship Him 24/7 with a life that is pleasing unto GOD. AND IF YOU SEEK GOD you’ll get stronger, feed yourself with positive thoughts and good thoughts like the bible says in Philipians 4:8:
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Do not believe the lies of the enemy, when you are weak GOD is still strong!
p.s. HE LOVES YOU :)

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