JOHN 3:16
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only and begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


My brain is not really functioning the way it usually do. What am i feeling? Im actually not bored,sad,happy,numb or joyful, im not troubled. I think im just having a blank feeling. I was chatting with roen a few minutes ago. Talking about how God is speaking to me everyday, showing me things that i must do. Im actually not in the mood for understanding everyone right now, im in the mood of everyone understanding me right now, and that's not  a good mood. Anyways am i being mean?? guess that mood is just soooo sooo unfair.

Few more days i'll be going to school, so now i mus set my mind straight , i must prepare myself spiritually, for there will be temptations around me that i may or may not fall for, If i fall for a temptation that would lead me to breaking my commitment to God. For example, im really not going to cheat this school year. Im not a super cheater but when your friends give you the answer and you're not even asking for it what should you do? plus you dont know the answer. That's really tempting, so im praying for strength and for wisdom. Oh dear, i need to focus right now, to be able to do what He wants me to do. Because some things must be done not for yourself but for others.

got to go.

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