JOHN 3:16
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only and begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


YEAH we had loads of fun, yesterday! Micoleen knew she would have a party but she didn't know about the twists. So me and her mother planned it all out! AND IT WAS LIKE! SURPRISE! ahah! we had karaoke, and games! and when others already left we picked up the guitar and sung her a special song! and it made me cry! okay! whatever!
HERE's a picture of mimi, crying and kinda smiling.

         AND here we go! SOUL MATES! i super duper love, mimi, she's super patient with my moods, in spite of everything i have done to her, she still love me! and that kind of love is just so great, that kind of love cannot be found a million times, i am blessed. I thank her for she has been there through everything, supporting and caring, mimi deserves this kind of party, she deserves what she have now. AND i thank God for blessing her, i thank GOD for creating MIMI, a strong woman, wild, lovely, gorgeous and just amazing. thank you! thank you!

I LOVE YOU MIMI. mwaaaaaaaaah! :

and yeah, here's another picture.


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